
Refund Policy

Once we receive your return or the seller notifies us of receipt of return, as the case may be, a refund is issued to the original payment method (in case of pre-paid transactions) or to your bank account / as Leaf Lifestyles Pay balance (in case of Pay on Delivery orders).

Refund Timelines:

The refund time period for different modes of payments is provided below.

Available refund method

Refund Time-frame

FBA orders (After the return is received by Leaf Lifestyles)

Seller-Fulfilled orders (After seller notifies Leaf Lifestyles of receipt of return)

Prepaid Orders

Leaf Lifestyles Pay Balance*

2 hours

Credit Card/ Debit Card

2-4 Business Days

3-5 Business Days

Net Banking Account (Credited to Bank Account)

UPI Linked Bank Account

2-4 business days

Pay on Delivery Orders

NEFT to Bank Account

2-4 Business Days

3-5 Business Days

Leaf Lifestyles Pay Balance*

2 hours

Paper Cheque

8-10 business days

* Leaf Lifestyles Pay balance is a sum of all balances associated with Leaf Lifestyles Gift Cards in your Leaf Lifestyles account. Leaf Lifestyles Gift Cards are subject to the Leaf Lifestyles Gift Card Terms and Conditions.

If the standard time-frame as mentioned in the above table has expired and you have still not received the refund, please contact your credit or debit card issuer or your bank for more information. Refunds will not be processed in cash. Refunds can be processed via paper cheque only in exceptional cases.

Note: International customers would need to reach out to our Customer Service team to get refunds for their purchase. The refund would be made to the original payment method/instrument used to make the initial purchase.

For Seller-Fulfilled orders:

1. For damaged/ defective items, the seller will issue a refund if the item cannot be repaired or replaced.

2. In any case where a refund is required, the seller(s) need to authorise that refund. Leaf Lifestyles can assist in facilitating refunds for you only when the seller notifies us of the receipt of the item. Once the seller notifies us of the receipt of the return item, the above refund time period will apply for processing refunds.

Refund for Pay on Delivery Orders:

For Pay on Delivery orders, refunds will be processed either to your bank account (via National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)) or Leaf Lifestyles account (as Leaf Lifestyles Pay balance).

If you wish to receive the Pay on Delivery order’s refund to your bank account, you can update the details of the bank account in Your Account section or from the Returns Centre when you are returning an item.

Note: Refunds cannot be processed to third-party accounts. The name on your Leaf Lifestyles account should match with the name of the bank account holder.

Shipping Cost Refunds

  1. For Fulfilled by Leaf Lifestyles and Prime Eligible items, return shipping costs of upto Rs. 100 will be refunded. The cost of gift-wrapping will also be refunded, if any. All such refunds will be issued through cheques. 

Note: If you incur return shipping charges over Rs.100 for returning large and heavy items, you can contact us for an additional refund. For refund of such additional charges, proof of payment, like a courier receipt needs to be submitted. 

  1. If you're returning a Seller-Fulfilled item, you can request the seller to reimburse the return shipping charges you incurred. In such cases, a seller might ask you to provide the courier receipt.

Note: The seller will not refund the shipping cost incurred in case of remorse returns.